We like to do Epic Shit, so teaming up with the folks at Green for Green made obvious sense. As you stroll through our lobby, you will notice this large no trash receptacle.
No trash receptacles are created equal and this isn’t an ordinary trash receptacle. This is a trash bin solely for you to place your plastic pop-tops in so they can be recycled.
As the cannabis industry grows, it’s important we consider the environmental ramifications our consumption has on our community. With the amount of plastic we use to store our bud and joint, it’s important we all take apart in this great effort and join the Green for Green cause!
Here’s a little more about this exciting initiative:
Green For Green creates, provides, and maintains a direct recycling network for flower containers. By enabling and supporting direct recycling of the flower containers, Green For Green and flower lovers can create a greener footprint for the Colorado flower industry. We can reduce waste compared to the normal recycling process by cutting down on energy required to sort and send the containers to the correct location. Furthermore, if the containers don’t have to be melted down and shaped into other products we can eliminate all the waste associated with this energy intensive process. [Green for Green]