The Herbal Cure: Denver’s Premier Cannabis Dispensary. Simply the Best!

MON-SAT: 9AM-9PM |SUN: 9AM-8PM | 303-777-9333

MON-SAT: 9AM-9PM |SUN: 9AM-8PM | 303-777-9333

Tour The Herbal Cure Grow With City Sessions!

Tour Grow With City Sessions!

That Face You Make When You Visit a Legal Grow for the First Time

Never been to a state with legal marijuana? Never been to Denver? Never been in legal cannabis grow? And want to change that?

Well, we’ve got you covered! While we don’t conduct cannabis tours unless it’s for friends and family, our pals at City Sessions have you covered. City Sessions specialized in boutique cannabis tours and we are proud to be one of the dispensaries they visit.

If you book a tour with City Sessions, you get to tour our medical marijuana grow–sometimes with the legendary Mad Matt himself! In addition, you will get a tour of our curing and dry room, and prime picture opportunities outside of our dispensary.

If you want too see what a fully, vertically integrated cannabis company looks like (aka The Herbal Cure), then get in touch with City Sessions!

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