The Herbal Cure: Denver’s Premier Cannabis Dispensary. Simply the Best!

MON-SAT: 9AM-9PM |SUN: 9AM-8PM | 303-777-9333

MON-SAT: 9AM-9PM |SUN: 9AM-8PM | 303-777-9333

New Concentrates From Voda & Evergreen Extracts

We’ve got two new concentrate companies featured on our shelves.

On the MED side, we welcome Evergreen Extracts. They processed our Papaya and Sour Banana Sherbert–and both are trips to flavortown.

On the REC side, we welcome Voda Extracts. They processed our Sour Banana Sherbet into Rosin and our Milk & Cookies & Chem D. OG into ice sauce.


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